Personal values report
Corporates are dealing with the intrinsic needs of a multi-generational workforce. Yes, for the first time in modern history, there are five generations in the workforce! Apparently, we each exhibit unique personality traits and values.
As organizations look at an "inside out" approach to understand your personal intrinsic core values and see how they mesh with the organizational core values, to promote belongingness, inclusion and productivity, unearth yours.
My top 6 personal values
The most relevant 6 personal core values that resonate and personifies you
Act with integrity
Our integrity is our moral compass, our core belief in doing the right thing. We find purpose and success through our uncompromising commitment toward our customers, partners and each other. We demonstrate candor, trust, respect, authenticity, honesty and accountability in everything we do.
My interpretation
Always apply your moral compass in every action/decision that's taken
Implications at work
"Absolutely no one likes to be micromanaged. Research from empowerment expert Gretchen Spreitzer (University of Michigan) shows that empowered employees have higher job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which reduces turnover and increases performance and motivation. Also, supervisors who empower are seen as more influential and inspiring by their subordinates.
Everyone wins when you learn to let go."
My interpretation
Give team the autonomy to make the decisions; be a coach leader
Implications at work
A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. Due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way
My interpretation
Treat others as you would like to be treated in every inter-action
Implications at work
The quality of being authentic, real or genuine : not copied or false; true and accurate; worthy of acceptance or belief as conforming to or based on fact; true to one's own personality, spirit, or character
My interpretation
Bring your whole self to work, be genuine and speak your mind
Implications at work
My company core values
Alignment between my personal values and organizational values
Areas of alignment
Your personal core value of "authenticity" meshes into the company core value "stay open" - to fully show up authentically, have a deep sense of belonging and psychological safety. This also aligns into the company culture of "ask why" without fear of retaliation.
The company core value of "over deliver" meshes in well with your personal value and drive for "results", getting the job done with a fearless approach to work. "Zooming out" goes well with "results" in having the ability to see the big picture, vision and mission of the company.
The company core value of "come together" ties in well with your personal value of building and "empowering" teams building a strong culture of collaboration and performance. Your emphasis and importance on "respect" and "recognition" also enhances engagement and coming together where employees feel valued and appreciated.
Overall alignment of your personal values with the company values is "very good"