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Global - Denmark
Danish Companies Act, the Danish Financial Statements Act and the Danish Act on Gender Equality,
Global - Denmark
Danish Companies Act, the Danish Financial Statements Act and the Danish Act on Gender Equality,
Applicable to
Key requirements
Companies covered by this new regulation are under an obligation to set up a target for the quota of the underrepresented gender in the supreme governing body and must prepare a policy to increase the quota of the underrepresented gender at the other levels of management. Further, the companies must in the annual report, as part of the management’s review, state a status of the fulfilment of the set target, including, if the set target has not been reached, why the company has failed to reach the target. The rules for reporting follow the principles for reporting on civic responsibility.
The company itself must set what, taking the company’s situation into account, is a realistic target. When setting the target, the business of the company may, among other things, be taken into account, as it is recognised that some branches of trade are more attractive to women than others. The target must indicate the quota set as target as well as the time frame within which the company intends to achieve the indicated quotas. It appears from the explanatory notes to the bill that the time frame should generally not be longer than four years.
The company’s policy for increasing the quota of the underrepresented gender may for instance contain a description of the company’s efforts and concrete initiatives in the area. Such initiatives may include cooperating with other companies, creating a framework for career development as well as initiatives to make the company attractive to both genders. The company will determine the relevant initiatives itself, taking the situation of the individual company into account. However, the company must under all circumstances take positive steps to reach the target.
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